Thursday, August 21, 2008

Now is the summer of my discontent (actually my second in a row) grown cautiously optimistic by the slow healing of my recently installed new hip. Yes, I've been idle from posting for some time, but I have been physically immobilized for much longer. It has taken a family intervention and a trip to more qualified healt care professionals in Dallas, but at long last I am regaining functionality of my left leg. I am a long way from being able to walk without a walker or cane (if ever), but I can get around somewhat on my own, and the outlook is better than at anytime since my accident in March of 2007. It's been a tough road back, but I am encouraged and have been receiving great encouragement and assistance from my family (particularly my sister, Debbie, and her two daughers, Misty [husband, Patrick] and Melody [husband, Danny]). My friends Foy, Ken and Ray have also given great support, and it is nice to have the prayers of many others, including my parents and Cheryl. I have lots of catching up to do here, so much so that it's hard to know how to proceed. At least this is a start.

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